Wednesday, February 7, 2024

An Explanation of the Differentiation Function of Humor

     It is likely that we have all been laughed at for a number of reasons or that we have even laughed at others. In spite of this many of us fail to realize that this falls under a specific function of humor. To be more precise it falls under the Differentiation function of humor which is exactly what I will be teaching throughout this blog post. To do so I will first explain what this function means. Then I will discuss what it can do to people's relationships, and I will lastly provide some examples of where it can be seen.

    So, what does the differentiation function of humor mean? Well, this function means that humor is used to contrast groups of people from others but also to contrast people in one-to-one interactions (Meyer, 2015). In simpler words this means that when people are out interacting with others, and they see something that they believe is different from what it should be they feel the need to call it out through the use of humor. By doing this they then create situations in which one or multiple people are laughing at the called-out difference while the person or people being laughed at are left feeling as if they are the odd ones out.

    From this we can now discuss what the differentiation function of humor does to people's relationships. According to Meyer (2015) this function of humor is considered to be the most divisive one there is. This simply means that it can greatly damage the relationships between people by creating a separation between them. As Meyer (2015) mentions it creates this perspective that those who laugh can in a way be considered winners while the ones being laughed at can be perceived as the losers. Which further highlights how it can break people apart.

    Finally, this function can be seen in various ways and places. One of these places includes high schools where students typically cluster together into the groups they identify with and then they make fun of the students outside of their very own group. By using this function, they highlight that there are differences between their groups and in doing so their relationships with other groups of students become quite divisive. Aside from high schools this function is also likely to be seen between siblings and couples who make fun of each other. From this it can lastly be seen that the differentiation function of humor is very common and that it can be spotted all around us.


Meyer, J. C. (2015). Understanding Humor Through Communication: Why Be Funny, Anyway?. Lexington Books.

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